Reset Forgotten Password
Step 1: Identify Yourself
Enter your username and email in the fields below. We will then ask you some personal information so that we can verify your identity. Contact your system administrator if you have forgotten the following:
{[{ error }]}
Username is Required!
Minimum of {[{usernameminLength}]} characters!
No special character!
Email is Required!
Please input a valid email!
Email is in used or exisitng!
Step 2: Secret Questions
{[{ error }]}
{[{ attempts }]} attempt(s) left.
{[{ question.question1 }]}
Answer is Required!
Minimum of {[{ansmin}]} characters!
{[{ question.question2 }]}
Answer is Required!
Minimum of {[{ansmin}]} characters!
Step 3: Reset Your Password
{[{ error }]}
{[{ attempts }]}(s) attempts left.
Pin is Required!
New Password
New Password is Required!
Minimum of {[{ passmin }]} characters!
The password must:
{[{ er }]}
{[{ erOpt }]}
Confirm your Password
Confirm Password is Required!
Your password does not match!
You have successfully updated your password!
Click here to login.
{[{ error }]}
Please try after
{[{ timer }]}